- Having a refreshing Margarita, to take a break from configuring the website.
After a long night (and all morning) spent working on this <insert expletive> website, I needed a break and a margarita! We decided to try the newly opened Rosa's Cafe, here in Temple. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised! The food was very good, and the service was great, as well. The margaritas were excellent, and on sale! We really like the tables in here, with all of the Mexican tile. They would not match anything in our house, except for the Fiestaware Dishes, but I still think we need a dining room table like this!
The only camera that I have with me is my iPhone, but with all of the bright, saturated colors, I thought that I would take a few snap-shots and post them to the blog, mainly for getting more familiar with how to format everything on this new website. Since this post isn't really photography related, I created a new category, Off-Topic Ramblings, for random posts like this.

- Enjoying all of the colorful decorations at Rosa's Cafe.
It is a brand new restaurant, so everything is nice, clean and VERY colorful!

- A very bright and colorful swan vase at Rosa's Cafe.
Well, my margarita is all gone and I'm full from the plate of Fajitas, so I guess it's back to configuring the website for me.